If you are in trouble to develop your products, please let us know. We will propose the best test method, and technical support by engineer and specialist is also available .
YUASA SYSTEM announced the Rental Lab business will begin in June 1st 2020. We offer the suitable test environment to use our endurance test system at this lab.
Various Tester Available
We prepare the environmental test machine which can be controlled the temperature and humidity or latest analysis system as well standard 5 basic motion test machines. Customer is available theses facilities on a weekly basis.
It has 7 available rooms, these all room are managed by each different key card.
Propose the Best Test Method
We have supplied the endurance test systems to over 250 companies. We propose the best test method from first-step to solution of technical issues with taking advantage of our experience.
Convenient Location
“Research Park Center”, which has this rental lab, is about 10 minutes by car from Okayama Momotaro Airport.
Please let us know if you have any further questions or quotations.